Getting Started

Visit, read our white paper and download the SWEATEMPLE app.

  1. Visit our website

    Download from

  2. Register your account

    After getting access to the app on your respective device, you can sign up for SWEATEMPLE with your email address. You will receive a verification code that you need to key in to enter the app.

  3. Create a wallet

    Click on the Wallet icon on the top right corner of the screen. The app will generate a 12-word secret phrase. This will be used to recover your wallet if you uninstall the app or forget your password. Important – Note this phrase and save it somewhere safe. (Write it down physically and store it where only you can access it.)

  4. Transfer ETH/USDC/USDT into your in-app wallet

    Transfer ETH/USDC/USDT to your in-app wallet to buy Bike Aura NFTs in the Marketplace, and always keep some ETH/USDC/USDT as gas in your wallet account.

  5. Purchase a Bike Aura NFT and redeem a Lit Bike by freebeat

    To play Cyclum, a necessity is the game machine, a smart indoor cycling bike with sensors and anti-cheating programming. Cyclum is empowered by one of the world's leading smart indoor cycling brands, freebeat, with their flagship bike, the Lit Bike. Lit Bike is fully customized with anti-cheating and blockchain technology embedded on the bike's chips.

    With a Lit Bike, you can ride and earn with or without an NFT. There are two ways you can get started:

You are all set!

Last updated